our Story

Because All People are created equal...

Our American Family

We CAN prevent Oregon minor parties from disrespecting the Civil Liberties of Oregon voters leading by example as a family of Americans.


our Experience

Past experience with State Officials has identified a clear agenda by the people in power to disregard the political ideas and ambitions of minor party members.

The Journey Ahead 

Self government requires some engagement. We The People can establish justice with a new political vehicle in Oregon. Built from the ground up, by spirited voters in Oregon. 
Working together we can end the era of uni-party controlled opposition and undue influence over the nomination process in our elections.


Michael Stettler

Michael Stettler aka "Stetty"

why Should I change Party Affiliation now?

why should we Help?


Life is the ability to move freely, have vitality in health and safety in community and so much more.


Complete freedom to live your life, or raise a family and express your God given rights without government interference.

pursuit of Happiness

The cognitive creative capacity of the human mind and the productive power of labor will promote free energy in economy, not free markets.

signature Beliefs

founder's Beliefs

Self Government requires engagement, moral government is only possible with a moral people. I founded this party because i really believe in Divine Providence. Now is Our Time.


What Oregon is saying...