We would like 40,000 signatures in 18 months starting January of 2025! If you want to print out the petition and get signatures, please use the approved template on the "petition" page. You must use it to produce signature sheets. Each signature sheet must be circulated on 8 ½ X 11", 20-pound, un-coated white paper. We will post a training video soon.
The completed petition must contain the signatures of at least 29,294 active registered voters in the state, which is equal to 1.5% of the number of votes cast in the state for Governor at the 2022 General Election. The completed signatures for the formation petition must be filed no later than December 17, 2026, but we hope to be finished before July 4th 2026. The extra signatures are padding for potential rejects.
By organizing prospective "DOI" Oregon precinct leaders in every county who gather signatures of registered Oregon voters, we can all work together to make this a success. That's only 100 sheets per county ( 10 signatures per sheet ). With a minimum of 10 precinct captains in each county, it shouldn't be hard for each person to fill 10 sheets in 18 months. Let's hit the ground running. If you want to be part of a clean new organization in Oregon, Contact us today ! Thank You.